
Cat Depression: Signs, Symptoms And Treatment

Believe it or not, cats are surprisingly fickle and emotional little creatures. Like their human counterparts, cats can be slaves to their own emotional state. This means that they can potentially suffer from depression, just like you! Although some of the signs and symptoms of cat depression are similar to human forms of depression, these things can vary a bit from human depression as well. Luckily, cat depression can easily be treated if you know what to look for.

Is Acupuncture A Viable Treatment Option For Your Arthritic Pet?

Watching a beloved pet grow older and slower can be heart-wrenching -- and if your dog or cat suffers from arthritis, you might worry that his or her quality of life is beginning to suffer once he or she can no longer move around freely. However, arthritis medication for pets can sometimes cause other long-term problems with bone density or kidney function, and you may be looking for a more natural option.

Steps To Take In Caring For Your Puppy Mill Rescue Dog

When you adopt a dog that was previously rescued from a puppy mill, you likely already know that they will have some odd issues that most dogs who have not been through such traumatic situations would not have to deal with. Before you panic and think that you cannot handle your puppy mill rescue dog's issues, both behavioral and health-wise, get to know some of the steps that you can take to provide the best possible care to your puppy mill rescue dog.

Common Causes For Back Pain In Dogs

A number of dogs are plagued by back pain at some point in their lives, making it a common condition. With such a wide impact area, it should come as no surprise that back pain can arise for a number of different reasons. Here are just two of the more common reasons your dog might be faced with this painful type of condition. Overexertion Just like humans, as dogs age, they sometimes have a hard time adjusting to their newfound, limited mobility.

Four Tips For Safely Exercising Your Dog During Cold Weather

Exercise is important for your dog's overall health, even in the winter when it's cold and snowy outside. It's essential to make sure, however, that your winter exercise routine is not doing your dog more harm than good. You can achieve that goal by following these safety tips for exercising your dog in cold weather. Protect the paws with booties. Most pet stores carry waterproof booties that you can slip over your dog's paws.